A defense witness testifying at the trial of eight former Bosnian military and police officials said the families of missing persons in Hadzici objected to the exchange of Serb prisoners held in the Silos detention facility.
Former members of the wartime presidency of Hadzici said Mustafa Djelilovic, the head of the presidency, wasnt involved in the management of the Silos detention camp.
Nusret Kaleta, a former member of the wartime presidency of the municipality of Hadzici, said families of imprisoned Bosniaks objected to the exchange of Serb detainees held in the Silos detention facility.
A witness testifying in defense of Mustafa Djelilovic said the Serbian Democratic Party demanded that the municipality of Hadzici be ethnically divided in May 1992.
Testifying in defense of Mustafa Djelilovic, a witness said the Serb population from Tarcin and Pazaric was arrested for collaborating with enemy forces, preparing for armed rebellion, and the illegal possession of weapons.
Presenting its material evidence at the trial for crimes in the Hadzici area, the Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, BiH, introduces documents about conditions in detention facilities and taking detainees away in order to perform forced labour.
As it continues presenting material evidence at the trial for crimes in the Hadzici area, the Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, BiH, presents documents related to detention of Croats in buildings in that municipality.
As it continues presenting material evidence at the trial for crimes in the Hadzici area, the Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, BiH, presents documents about disarming the Serb population and detaining them in detention facilities.
At the trial for crimes committed in Hadzici municipality the Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, BiH, reads statements by witnesses, who said that detainees were beaten up in Silos detention camp.