A former prisoner told the trial for wartime crimes against Croats and Serbs held at detention centres in Hadzici near Sarajevo that he was beaten and made to do forced labour on the frontline.
Testifying at the trial for crimes in the Hadzici area, witness Predrag Kapetina says that he was examined, beaten and used for forced labour during his three-and-a-half years of detention.
As the trial for crimes in Hadzici continues, State Prosecution witness Amor Masovic says that, in 1992 families of captured Hadzici residents approached local authorities and international forces, requesting the Serb side to exchange those persons.
Testifying at the trial for crimes in the Hadzici area, a Bosnian State Prosecution witness said he was beaten and taken to locations to perform forced labour and exhume the bodies of dead detainees during detention that lasted three-and-a-half years near Sarajevo.
The prosecution witness Amor Masovic told the trial for crimes committed in the Hadzici area that prisoners from Tarcin would be exchanged more quickly if the counter party had brought the people that were wanted.
A former doctor at the Silos detention camp told the trial for war crimes at jails in Hadzici near Sarajevo that he did not see any seriously ill, injured or abused prisoners there.
Testifying at the trial for crimes in the Hadzici area, a Prosecution witness says that the Serb population in that area was armed and organized in military terms.
Testifying at the trial for crimes in Hadzici municipality, a State Prosecution witness says that he has got no information about the abuse of detainees in the Silos and 9. Maj school buildings.
Ex-security boss Munir Alibabic told the trial for war crimes at detention centres in Hadzici near Sarajevo that his superior warned him not to investigate the jails any further.
Due to the replacement of one member of the Trial Chamber, the trial for crimes committed in the Hadzici area begins anew by admitting evidence presented previously.