Saturday, 1 February 2025.
Witness Describes Transport of Bosniaks to Kladanj and Bratunac
A state prosecution witness testified at the trial of five former Bosnian Serb fighters charged with participating in the Srebrenica genocide. The witness said he transported able-bodied men from Potocari...
Trial for Vitez Crimes Begins March 14
The trial of five defendants charged with crimes committed in the Vitez area in 1993 will begin on Monday, March 14.
Drakovac Tortured Prisoner of War, According to Protected Witness
A protected state prosecution witness said defendant Emir Drakovac tortured a captured member of the Bosnian Serb Army in Zebina Suma in the municipality of Foca during the Bosnian war....
Defense Witnesses Say Koncar Helped Others in Wartime Prijedor
Testifying in defense of Drago Koncar, a witness said the defendant used to bring him food and firewood during the war. He said as far as he knew the defendant...
Bosniak Commander Oric ‘Killed Prisoners’, Witness Claims
The first protected witness testifying at the trial of former Bosnian Army commander Naser Oric said he recalled seeing the defendant killing three Serb prisoners near Srebrenica in 1992.
Witnesses Describe Murder of Loved Ones in Trnovo
State prosecution witness testifying at the trial of three defendants charged with war crimes in Trnovo described the murder of their parents and relatives in Trnovo and its surrounding villages...
Psychologist Testifying at Sanski Most Trial Says Injured Party Has PTSD
Testifying at the trial of four defendants charged with war crimes in the Sanski Most area, a psychologist presented his findings and opinion on the mental health of an injured...
State Court Says Slavuljica Agreement Needs to Correspond with Indictment
A Bosnian state court chamber ordered the state prosecution to harmonize a guilt admission agreement signed with Dario Slavuljica, charged with crimes in the Teslic area.
Duka’s Defense Presents Material Evidence
At the trial of three defendants charged with war crimes in Bileca, the defense of Miroslav Duka included 23 pieces of material evidence in the case file. The evidence included...