Saturday, 1 February 2025.
Bosniak Soldier Acquitted of Killing Serb Civilians
The cantonal court in Sarajevo has acquitted former Bosnian Army serviceman Azemin Sadikovic for a second time of the killing of four Serb civilians in the Hadzici municipality in May...
Srebrenica Bosniaks’ Bodies Seen at School and Warehouse
At the trial of five former Serb policemen for genocide in Srebrenica, a prosecution witness said he saw Bosniaks’ corpses near a school in Bratunac and at a warehouse in...
Former Bosnian Presidency Member’s Trial Hears Murder Claims
The first witness testified at the trial of Borislav Paravac, a Serb former member of Bosnia’s tripartite presidency, accused of participating in wartime attacks that killed several hundred Bosniaks and...
Mujahideen Fighters ‘Cut off Bosnian Serb Soldiers’ Heads’
Na suđenju Sakibu Mahmuljinu za zločine počinjene na području Vozuće (općina Zavidovići), svjedok Optužbe je ispričao kako su ga tukli i mučili u zarobljeništvu Odreda “El Mudžahidin” te kako je...
Bosnian Croat Fighter Jailed for 20 Years
Sud BiH osudio je Nikolu Marića na 20 godina zatvora za zločin protiv čovječnosti počinjen 1992. i 1993. na području Prozora.
Bosniak Deputy Commander Jailed for Prisoner Abuses
Sud BiH osudio je Nihada Bojadžića na godinu dana zatvora zbog zločina protiv ratnih zarobljenika počinjenih na području Jablanice u drugoj polovini 1993. godine.
Former Bosnian Presidency Member Goes on Trial
Borislav Paravac, a Serb former member of Bosnia’s tripartite presidency, went on trial for taking part in wartime attacks that killed several hundred Bosniaks and Croats in 1992 and 1993.
Bosniak Commander Oric ‘Ordered Burning of Village’
Prosecution witnesses at the war crimes trial of the former Bosnian Army commander in Srebrenica, Naser Oric, said he captured Serbs then ordered his troops to torch a village in...
Brcko Serb Leader’s Trial Told How Conflict Erupted
The first witness at the trial of Djordje Ristanic, wartime leader of Brcko in northern Bosnia, testified that prospects for peace were ruined by a deadly blast destroying the town...