A Prosecution witness speaks about the arming of civilians and plans to establishment "a Serbian state."
Fausto Pocar expressed concern that Radovan Stankovic has not been arrested, even though almost a year has passed since his escape from Foca prison.
As proposed by the third indictee's Defence, the public was excluded from the testimony of the last witness at the trial for crimes in the Omarska and Keraterm detention camps.
Addressing the Trial Chamber, Zeljko Lelek says that he was involved in the crimes in Visegrad and apologises to the innocent victims "on behalf of my people."
A former guard at the prison in Rovasi says police, and not indictee Hodzic, were responsible for "Stala" prison.
Prosecution witnesses speak about the role of the four indictees in the torture of detainees.
Prosecution witnesses identify the four indictees as the persons who guarded them in detention centres in the Zvornik area.
Prosecution witnesses claim that the Territorial Defence protected detainees in "Stala."
The Prosecution has announced that its witnesses will testify under protection measures, as the indictee's family has allegedly put pressure on them.