Saturday, 8 March 2025.
Jevic et al: Order to Kill
Testifying at the trial of four indictees charged with genocide committed in Srebrenica, a protected Prosecution witness and former member of the Training Center on Jahorina says that he received...
Kos et al: Deterioration of Situation in Srebrenica
At the trial of four indictees charged with genocide committed in Srebrenica, the Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina presents several pieces of material evidence.
Koricanske stijene: A Total of 86 Years in Prison
The Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina has sentenced four former members of the Public Safety Station in Prijedor to a total of 86 years in prison for the murder of...
Jevic et al: Truck Loaded with Corpses
A Prosecution witness testifying at the trial of four indictees charged with genocide committed in Srebrenica, tells the Court that he saw a truck loaded with corpses in the vicinity...
Adamovic and Lukic: Preventing Local Problems
Testifying in defence of Marko Adamovic at the trial for crimes committed in the Kljuc area, a witness says he is convinced that the indictee did not participate in crimes...
Koricanske stijene: Night on Board a Bus
Witness Velid Blazevic thanks indictee Milorad Skrbic for saving his life in 1992. Blazevic, testifying for Skrbic's Defence, told the Court he left Prijedor with a convoy of people escorted...
Jevic et al: “Bus conductor Game” in Potocari
A Prosecution witness, testifying at the trial of four indictees charged with genocide committed in Srebrenica, tells the Court that some policemen said they played “a bus conductor” game in...
Adamovic and Lukic: Peaceful Life in Kljuc
A witness testifying in defence of indictee Marko Adamovic at the trial for crimes committed in the Kljuc area, says that the Kljuc Battalion's activities in 1992 were peaceful activities.
Memic et al: “Calamity” in Trusina
At the trial for crimes committed in Trusina village, near Konjic, a State Prosecution witness says he heard that members of the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina, ABiH, killed civilians...