Wednesday, 26 march 2025.
Srebrenica Captives ‘Brought to Zvornik and Executed’
A prosecution witness told the genocide trial of the Bosnian Serb Army’s Zvornik Brigade commander that he heard that captives from Srebrenica were brought to the Zvornik area and executed.
Bosnian Serb Officer Urges Rogatica Crimes Acquittal
In its closing statements, the defence of former Bosnian Serb officer Radomir Markovic asked for him to be cleared of killings Bosniaks and pillaging homes in villages in Rogatica in...
Bosnian Croat Fighter Charged With Rape, Murder
Edin Sakoc, a former member of the Croatian Defence Council, was charged with the rape and murder of Serbs in the Pocitelj and Capljina areas during wartime.
Bosnian Serb Acquitted of Crimes against Humanity
Jovan Popovic was cleared of making unlawful arrests and seizing civilians from the village of Rodica Brdo in the Visegrad area with a group of Serb fighters in 1992. The...
Former Bosnian Presidency Member’s Trial Hears Murder Claims
The first witness testified at the trial of Borislav Paravac, a Serb former member of Bosnia’s tripartite presidency, accused of participating in wartime attacks that killed several hundred Bosniaks and...
Mujahideen Fighters ‘Cut off Bosnian Serb Soldiers’ Heads’
Na suđenju Sakibu Mahmuljinu za zločine počinjene na području Vozuće (općina Zavidovići), svjedok Optužbe je ispričao kako su ga tukli i mučili u zarobljeništvu Odreda “El Mudžahidin” te kako je...