
14. July 2011.
Media in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the region and the World have not shown much interest in reporting on testimonies at Radovan Karadzic's trial before the Hague Tribunal – this is a conclusion of an analysis done by the Balkans Investigative Reporting Network in Bosnia and Herzegovina, BIRN BiH.

14. July 2011.
We have great pleasure in inviting you to the promotion of the publication, The History Over Trivia II, published by the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN BiH) in cooperation with and support of The Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Foundation.

9. June 2011.
The Association of Court Reporters organized, in collaboration with BIRN Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, a meeting of judicial representatives, journalists and NGOs, who discussed possibilities for improvement of cooperation, in Tuzla on Tuesday, May 31 this year.

23. May 2011.
Representatives of the Association of Court Reporters, AIS met in Sarajevo on May 19 and discussed upcoming meetings in local communities with judicial organizations and media representatives.

25. February 2011.
Members of the Association of Court Reporters, AIS held a meeting in Sarajevo on February 24 at which they discussed future steps needed for improvement of cooperation between judicial institutions in local community and media representatives.

17. December 2010.
On December 14 members of the Association of Court Reporters, AIS, held their last meeting in this year and concluded that an attempt had to be made to solve the issue of publishing of indictments on web pages of the State Court and Prosecution.

1. October 2010.
At their meeting held on September 28, representatives of the Association of Court Reporters of Bosnia and Herzegovina, AIS, concluded that the problem of non-obtainment of indictments from judicial institutions had to be resolved as it obstructed the work of regular court reporters.

1. October 2010.
At their meeting held on September 28, representatives of the Association of Court Reporters of Bosnia and Herzegovina, AIS, concluded that the problem of non-obtainment of indictments from judicial institutions had to be resolved as it obstructed the work of regular court reporters.