Case: Dzeko Edin

21. May 2013.
Testifying about a crime in Trusina, near Konjic, a former member of the “Zulfikar” Squad with the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina, ABiH, says that his comrade Edin Dzeko shot a woman in her genitals.

14. May 2013.
A State Prosecution witness says, testifying at the trial of indictee Edin Dzeko, that members of the “Zulfikar” Unit of the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina, ABiH, used to beat prisoners in “The Battle of Neretva” Museum.

9. April 2013.
Testifying at the trial of indictee Edin Dzeko, a State Prosecution witness says that he was mistreated in the Rogica houses in Donja Jablanica after having been captured in September 1993.