Saturday, 15 February 2025.

Sarajevo Siege: How Perpetrators of Deadly Attacks Remain Unprosecuted

Twenty-seven years since the siege of Sarajevo began, a handful of commanders have been tried, but Bosnian prosecutors have not yet filed any indictments against direct perpetrators of sniping and shelling attacks on civilians.

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Poor Cooperation Leaves Balkan War Crime Suspects at Large

Prosecutors in Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia signed protocols to cooperate on war crimes cases five years ago, but few cases have been exchanged due to a lack of political will, leaving dozens of suspects at liberty.

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Ratko Mladic Monument Erected in His Bosnian Hometown

A mural monument honouring former Bosnian Serb Army commander Ratko Mladic, which has been installed at the entrance to his hometown Kalinovik, was criticised for glorifying the war crimes defendant.

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Sarajevo Commemorates Anniversary of Market Massacre

Flowers were laid at a ceremony to commemorate 43 people who were killed in August 1995 when Bosnian Serb forces shelled the Markale market in Sarajevo.

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Bosnian Prosecution Stalls on Yugoslav Troop Death Appeals

The Bosnian state prosecution has failed for six years to decide on appeals against a decision to stop an investigation into 14 people suspected of involvement in the killings of retreating Yugoslav People’s Army soldiers in Sarajevo in 1992.

Six years after appeals were filed against a decision to stop an investigation into the killings of retreating Serb soldiers of the Yugoslav People’s Army, JNA on Dobrovoljacka Street in Sarajevo in 1992, the Bosnian state prosecution has still not taken any further action, the Interior Ministry in Bosnia’s Serb-dominated entity Republika Srpska told BIRN.

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Bosnian Policeman’s Ten-Year Battle to Prove Innocence

After three-and-a-half years in custody in Serbia and a ten-year legal struggle against charges of ordering an attack on retreating Yugoslav troops in Tuzla in 1992, Bosnian ex-policeman Ilija Jurisic recalls how he cleared his name.

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Srebrenica Suspects Find Safe Haven in Serbia

At least nine Serbs suspected of genocide and other crimes in Srebrenica have fled Bosnia to enjoy refuge from prosecution in Serbia, where they remain free despite alleged involvement in the massacres of thousands of Bosniaks.

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Sarajevo Festival Explores the Consequences of War

The three-day WARM Festival in Sarajevo is exhibiting photographs and screening films about wars throughout the world and the issues of ethnic divisions, the refugee crisis and discrimination against minorities.

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Hague Tribunal Archive Centre Opens in Sarajevo

An information centre giving access to the war crimes case archives of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia opened in Sarajevo’s iconic city hall.

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Croatian Award for Praljak Trial Journalist Sparks Controversy

Two journalists are giving back awards to the Croatian Journalists’ Association in protest after it honoured a reporter who they accuse of favouring war criminal Slobodan Praljak, who committed suicide in court.

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