Following the signing of a guilty-plea agreement, the Cantonal Court in Bihac sentenced Safet Kovacevic to one year in prison for mistreating prisoners of war in 1995.
The first prosecution witness testified at the trial of Zlatko Husidic, who’s been charged with war crimes in Velika Kladusa. The witness said Husidic beat him in 1995.
The trial of Hasib Cehic has been postponed due to a request from the defense to refer the case from the cantonal court of Bihac to another or court or, alternatively, to replace members of the trial chamber.
Milanko Devic, who has been charged with war crimes in the Kljuc area in 1992, failed to appear at his plea hearing before the cantonal court of Bihac.
A prosecution witness testifying at the Marinko Miljevic trial said he heard that a Bosniak woman was killed in Gornji Budelj near Kljuc, but he didn’t know who had killed her.
Former members of the Bosnian Serb Army testifying at the trial of Marinko Miljevic described how they heard about the murder of civilian Azema Kuckovic. The former soldiers, who testified on behalf of the prosecution at the cantonal court of Bihac, said they heard rumours that the defendant had killed her.
Former Bosnian Serb reservist policeman Slavko Stricevic was convicted of the inhuman treatment of prisoners of war and the murder of two detainees in the Bosanski Petrovac area in 1992.
The retrial of Slavko Stricevic has been completed at the cantonal court of Bihac. Stricevic has been charged with war crimes against prisoners of war in Bosanski Petrovac in 1992.
U nastavku suđenja Marinku Miljeviću pred Kantonalnim sudom u Bihaću, svjedoci Optužbe prisjetili su se noći kada je u augustu 1992. zapaljeno selo Gornji Budelj (općina Ključ) i ubijena Azema Kučuković.