Salko Bacic, who testified at the trial for crimes allegedly committed in Zecovi, near Prijedor, said his three sons, daughter and wife, and other relatives, were killed in the hamlet of Gradina, Prijedor municipality.
Testifying at the Nikola Maric trial, an official from the Institute of Missing Persons of Bosnia and Herzegovina said that 107 missing persons have been exhumed from the municipality of Prozor, while 53 persons remain missing.
The presentation of evidence at the Jasmin Coloman trial concluded with testimony from Coloman and the presentation of material evidence by the defense.
A state prosecution witness testifying at the Gligor Begovic trial said Begovic, a former guard, beat him immediately after his arrival to the Batkovic detention camp in Bijeljina.
The examination of a state prosecution witness testifying at the trial of former Bosnian Serb police officials was interrupted due to his alleged loss of memory.
Ex-fighter Zemir Kovacevics ten-year sentence for participating in the murders, mistreatment and looting of Serb civilians in the Sijekovac area in 1992 was upheld.
Bosnian state prosecution witnesses testifying at a trial dealing with war crimes in the Sanski Most area described a robbery that happened in the hamlet of Pasici.
A draft resolution condemning the Srebrenica genocide of July 1995 has been sent to the Bosnian parliament, but Bosnian Serb lawmakers are again expected to reject it.
The State Parliament adopted revisions to the criminal law of Bosnia and Herzegovina related to torture, forcible disappearances and wartime rape, harmonizing it with international laws.
Prosecution witnesses testifying at the Nikola Maric trial said they were separated from their families and taken to detention camps in the summer of 1993.