Friday, 28 march 2025.
Episode 41: 20th Anniversary of the Establishment of The Hague Tribunal
The May issue of TV Justice magazine brings an overview of the most important trials held before the Court of BiH War Crimes Chamber in April.
Radio Justice: The Hague Chronicle – Episode 27
The Hague Chronicle brings you the latest news from trials to Ratko Mladic and Radovan Karadzic before the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY). This episode reports the...
Radio Justice: The Hague Chronicle – Episode 26
The Hague Chronicle brings you the latest news from trials to Ratko Mladic and Radovan Karadzic before the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY).
Radio Justice: The Hague Chronicle – Episode 25
The Hague Chronicle brings you the latest news from trials to Ratko Mladic and Radovan Karadzic before the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY).
AIS: Petition against Law Revisions
A meeting of the Association of Court Reporters, AIS, agreed to initiate a petition against a proposed revision of the Law on Free Access to Information, which would significantly reduce...
Protection of Indictees’ Rights or Public Interest
Participants in the first meeting of the Association of Court Reporters, AIS, this year conclude that, despite the progress achieved over the course of the past two years, there are...
Radio Justice: The Hague Chronicle – Episode 24
The Hague Chronicle brings you the latest news from trials to Ratko Mladic and Radovan Karadzic before the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY).
Radio Justice: The Hague Chronicle – Episode 23
The Hague Chronicle brings you the latest news from trials to Ratko Mladic and Radovan Karadzic before the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY).
Radio Justice: The Hague Chronicle – Episode 22
The Hague Chronicle brings you the latest news from trials to Ratko Mladic and Radovan Karadzic before the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY).