Tuesday, 11 March 2025.
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Stanisic and Marko Milosevic are on trial for the mass killing of approximately 1000 Srebrenica residents on a dam near Petkovci in July 1995. According to the charges, the captives were brought to Petkovci prior to being taken away to the dam. The indictment alleges that Milosevic was Stanisic’s deputy.

Zoran Jovanovic was an officer for operational and educational affairs with the Zvornicka Brigade at the time. According to Jovanovic, processing orders was one of his tasks. He said an order to the battalions to accept captives could have only come from the Brigade.

He also said he hadn’t heard about “the transportation or liquidation of captives.”

Responding to questions by prosecutor Predrag Tomic, Jovanovic said that he didn’t know what happened in Petkovci in mid-July 1995, because he was in the field elsewhere. Jovanovic said he didn’t know whether the captives were detained in the new school building in Petkovci.

Jovanovic said the new school building in Petkovci was not under the jurisdiction of the Sixth Battalion.

New witnesses will testify in defense of Stanisic on March 25.

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