Friday, 7 February 2025.
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Radoman Fundup, a former member of the Focanska Brigade of the Bosnian Serb Army, has been charged with the murder and abuse of civilians in the Foca area. The indictment alleges that he participated in the murder of two children and five persons and the wounding of one woman in Cohodar Mahala, in collaboration with two other persons.

Fundup has also been charged with the abuse of three civilians, including two children. According to the indictment, he also intimidated and threatened civilians in the village of Gornje Polje. He ordered civilians in Gornje Polje to form a line, and accompanied by another person, cocked his rifle in order to simulate their execution.

Danilo Fundup, the defendant’s cousin, testified at today’s hearing in response to testimony previously given by two defense witnesses. The witnesses were cousins of the defendant and testified at the last hearing. In their testimony, they said that the family had gathered for the funeral of a relative in June 1992. At the deceased man’s house, Danilo Fundup allegedly stood up and said, “Stand up, let’s go kill those people!” and left the house accompanied by Radislav Radovic. Gunfire was allegedly heard afterwards.

The two cousins then said they heard on the following day that some women and children had been killed. Another witness for the defense said a man with the last name Fundup was arrested for the murder of civilians in Cohodar Mahala, but was not Radoman Fundup.

Testifying at today’s hearing, Danilo Fundup said he attended the funeral of Janko Fundup and Lazar Kunarac in June 1992. He said he went to the house of one of the deceased men in Cohodar Mahala.

He said he left the house at 2:30 p.m in order to catch a bus to go home. Fundup said he rode the bus with Momcilo Bodiroga, but he couldn’t remember any other passengers.

Fundup said he had never been arrested by civil or military police.

When the prosecution asked him about Radislav Radovic, Fundup said he knew him. He said Radovic didn’t attend the funeral and had committed suicide later on.

Fundup said that last month he received threats over the phone, “if there was anything against Radoman.”

A statement given by Momcilo Bodiroga was also read at this hearing. Bodiroga was unable to appear in court due to his poor health. Bodiroga said that after the funeral he rode the bus with Danilo Fundup to their place of residence, at around 3pm.

The defense’s two last witnesses were also examined at today’s hearing. Dragan Pejovic said that Slavisa Prodanovic, Fundup’s defense attorney, discussed the crime in Gornje Polje with his mother Vasilija at the beginning of 2015.

He said his mother had been willing to testify, but died in March 2015.

“She didn’t know those people, but I think they were children and one adult…She shouted at them , telling them to let the children go. They say she even mentioned me, as a member of the Serbian Army, in order to persuade the men to release the children and the man,” Pejovic said. He said the soldiers released the children and the man.

Fadil Djedovc, a witness for the defense, said he and the defendant grew up together. He said they were friends before, during and after the war.

“I wouldn’t appear in court if I had any suspicions,” he said, adding that he knew what Fundup was charged with. He said he heard about the crime that took place in Cohodor Mahala, but didn’t know too much about it.

The prosecution and defense will present their closing statements on November 27.

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