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Former Bosnian Serb Commander Claims No Knowledge of Karacici Attack

25. August 2015.00:00
A state prosecution witness testifying at the trial of eight former members of the Bosnian Serb Army said he knew nothing about the attack on the village of Karacici in 1992.

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Former Bosnian Serb Army soldiers Radomir Markovic, Mile Kusic, Dragan Bozovic, Sasa Perkovic, Radomir Gluhovic, Pero Radovic Ilija Vukasinovic and Milos Vukasinovic have been charged with searching and pillaging houses in the villages of Karacici, Vragolovi and Golubovici on September 18, 1992. Markovic was the commander of the Socicka Company of the Rogaticka Brigade of the Bosnian Serb Army, while the other defendants were members of that unit.

During the search of Karacici, the defendants allegedly found 20 Bosniak civilians hiding in a garage. According to the indictment, the defendants beat the civilians with rifle butts and then pushed them into a nearby barn, where they were killed. The shooting caused a fire which burned the bodies, the indictment alleges. The prosecution claims the defendants acted in collaboration with other unidentified perpetrators.

Mile Vujic, the former commander of the Kucevacka Company of the Bosnian Serb Army, testified at today’s hearing.

“I don’t know what happened in the village of Karacici in September 1992…I heard rumours that both sides had exchanged sporadic fire, but I knew nothing about the murders and the victims,” Vujic said.

According to Vujic, the Kucevacka Company kept watch over the Kucevo area in Rogatica.

Vujic said after commander Boban Jesic was killed on August 2, 1992, defendant Radomir Markovic became the commander of the Socicka Company. Vujic said the Socicka Company’s zone of responsibility was in Stjenica in the municipality of Rogatica.

“I’m not sure which zone of responsibility the village of Karacici belonged to. I think the Ladevacka Company was there,” Vujic said.

Responding to questions from the defense, Vujic said he had no contact with the Socicka Company. He added that he knew defendant Pero Radovic as a mailman in Rogatica, but not as a soldier.

The trial continues on September 15.

Emina Dizdarević Tahmiščija

This post is also available in: Bosnian