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Djurovic Pleads not Guilty

22. January 2015.00:00
Predrag Djurovic appears before the Cantonal Court in Sarajevo and pleads not guilty to crimes in Vraca neighbourhood, Sarajevo.

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Considering the fact that he pleaded not guilty, Djurovic’s trial is due to begin in the coming period.

Djurovic, a former member of the Republika Srpska Army, VRS, is charged with having raped a Bosniak female in Vraca neighbourhood, Sarajevo, in late 1992.

The Sarajevo Cantonal Prosecution’s indictment alleges that Djurovic committed the rape in an abandoned building, while threatening the victim that he would kill her and her child.

The indictment against Djurovic was confirmed on December 15.

Albina Sorguč

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