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Light Injuries of “Viktor Bubanj” Detainees

13. January 2015.00:00
Testifying as an expert witness at the trial for crimes in Sarajevo, a neurologist/psychiatrist says that three detainees, who were held in the “Viktor Bubanj” military barracks, did not get severe mental and physical injuries during their detention.

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Presenting his findings and opinion, court expert Abdulah Kucukalic said that he determined, on the basis of statements given by Ljubomir Drakul, Zeljko Kljajic and Dragomir Pejovic, that the living conditions influenced their condition, but there was no torture and severe deterioration of health.

“Staying in such conditions in ‘Viktor Bubanj’ influenced Ljubomir Drakul’s mental health. He felt discomfort, fear and anger, particularly after having been hit. However, the type and intensity of the trauma did not lead to significant deterioration of his mental and physical integrity,” the court expert said.

He prepared the findings and opinion at a request by the Defence of Ramiz Avdovic and Iulian-Nicolae Vintila, who asked the court expert to present his opinion about the severity of injuries caused to the three former detainees.

According to the State Prosecution’s charges, severe bodily pain and suffering was caused to Serb civilians, who were detained in “Viktor Bubanj”. Also, they were subjected to suffering and torture, as well as the causing of bodily injuries, and forced to perform hard labour.

Avdovic and Vintila are charged with having participated in the establishment and maintenance of a system for abuse of those civilians. The indictment alleges that Avdovic was Commander of the Guards on the fifth floor of the District Prison in Sarajevo and former “Viktor Bubanj” military barracks, while Vintila was a cook and guard in the former barracks.

Speaking about Zeljko Kljajic’s injuries, court expert Kucukalic said that his health was not severely deteriorated and that the injuries he got during his stay in the military barracks were “of low intensity”.

“Dragomir Pejovic did not suffer severe mental and physical trauma. There was no torture, physical and sexual mistreatment. Therefore, this should be considered a light injury of his mental condition,” the court expert said.

The trial is due to continue on January 27, when a witness will testify in defence of the second indictee.

Selma Učanbarlić

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