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Findings about Vahid Klisura’s Death

1. December 2014.00:00
As the trial of four former members of the Croatian Defence Council, HVO, who are charged with crimes in Kiseljak, continues, a Prosecution witness says that it is known to him that Vahid Klisura got killed in the summer of 1993.

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Testifying before the Cantonal Court in Novi Travnik, Avdo Delic said that HVO units attacked the positions held by the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina, ABiH, in Gomionica and Behrici villages on June 1, 1993.

He said that he knew Vahid Klisura and Ramo Hatidzic, because they were from a neighbouring village.

“The shelling began at around 2 p.m. We went to a shelter in some command building. While we were there, we heard that Vahid and some other people got killed,” Delic said.

He mentioned that, after having gone to a neighbouring village, he met Vahid Klisura’s parents and informed them that their son was killed.

The indictment alleges that Miroslav Skoro, Dalibor Milos, Bosiljko Dilber and Ljubomir Dilber, former HVO members, are charged with having tortured Ramo Hatidzic and tortured and killed Vahid Klisura.

Witness Delic said that he did not know the indictees.

The trial is due to continue on December 18.

Kenan Kavazović

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