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Screams and moans of Bosniaks at Uzemnica

22. October 2014.00:00
Defence witness at Goran Popovic trial for crimes committed at Visegrad, said that he listened screams and moans from Bosniaks which were kept in one of the hangars at Uzemnica military barracks in 1992.

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Srdjan Vucicevic, former guard at Uzemnica barracks said that he thinks police detained Bosniaks in Uzemnica and that Milan Lukic abused them with his “Avengers”.

“I listened screams and moans of that people, there were visible injuries and bruises on them,” said Vucicevic, who was a guard at the barracks from June to December 1992.

He pointed out that he didn’t see bringing Bosniaks in, but he claims that he found them in the hangar barracks when he came.
“I found one part of people, about 20. There were women, children and men. As I recall there were two little girls that were my neighbors, I knew their mother,” Vucicevic said.

At Uzemnica barracks, the witness said that he met the accused, whom he recognized in the courtroom. According to witness, along with several more guards and the accused he left barracks at December 1992.

“One night Milan Lukic came with his “Avengers”. I was personal at the gate. We really didn’t give them permission to enter and tomorrow we asked to leave the barracks. We left to Donja Lijeska in the brigade,” Vucicevic said.

The brigade, witness said, he left in June 1993 while the defendant stayed.

The Bosnian Prosecution charges Goran Popovic, as a guard in “Uzamnica” detention camp, for participation in the abuse, beating and torture of prisoners, as well as the sexual abuse of men and women.

On the Defence question witness said that did not hear about sexual abuse of men and woman at Uzemnica.

“I spoke with that people in several occasions. Nurko Dervisevic said to me that Milan abused and mistreated him,” witness said.
On the inquiry of Defence to whether the accused abused Dervisevic, witness answered negatively.  

Hague tribunal sentenced Milan Lukic to life imprisonment in 2012 for crimes committed at Visegrad, including the beating of Bosniak men at Uzemnica detention camp. Lukic was accused of being the leader of a paramilitary unit “Avengers” or “White Eagles”.

Mihajlo Jelisavcic, another Defence witness at the trial said that he heard about attacks of Muslim forces on Serbian villages and that he could not remember whether there were bigger attacks on the Muslim population in Visegrad.

Trial continues on October 29.

Albina Sorguč

This post is also available in: Bosnian