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Presenting his appeal against the verdict of conviction, Defence attorney Husein Music said that it was not clear to him why the Appellate Chamber rendered conclusions that were opposite to the conclusions rendered by the first instance Camber, which acquitted the indictees of charges in 2011.
“We consider the verdict unfair. Lukic was neither an eye-witness nor perpetrator,” Music said.
Lukic was sentenced to 14 years in prison and Adamovic to 22 years. In 2013 the second instance Chamber determined that Lukic, former Commander of the Municipal Battalion with the Territorial Defence, and Adamovic, former Commander of the Town Defence Command, were participants in a joint criminal enterprise aimed at persecuting the non-Serb population.
More than 150 Bosniak civilians were killed as part of the persecution, while unlawful detention, beating and other inhumane acts were also committed.
Lukic did not attend this hearing. An international warrant was issued against him following the pronouncement of the second instance verdict.
In his appeal Adamovic, who is held in custody, criticized the State Prosecution’s indictment, saying that the only correct thing in it was his personal data.
“Marko Adamovic did not commit any crime,” Adamovic said.
Besides calling for a verdict of release, his Defence attorney Branko Gudalo requested the third instance Chamber to return the case to the second instance Chamber in order to render a new decision.
Prosecutor Dzemila Begovic said that the Defence attorneys’ appeals were generalized and not based on arguments. She called on the Court to confirm the second instance verdict.
The Trial Chamber will render a decision at a later stage.