Saturday, 8 February 2025.
Sedmični pregled našeg najboljeg materijala
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The search was conducted today at a request by the Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina with the aim of confiscating documents related to Ilijasevic’s serving of sentence.

Boris Grubesic, spokesperson of the State Prosecution, confirmed that, during the search police confiscated certain documents, adding that the Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina and police agencies would continue their activities aimed at determining the responsibility of persons, who enabled the convict to flee during his prison leave,” the Prosecution announced.

Grubesic said that members of police previously went to the Penal and Correctional Facility in Mostar in order to confiscate the necessary documents, but Facility Director Romeo Zelenika did not want to give them the documents.  

The Prosecution said that Ilijasevic’s flight put the families of war crimes victims in danger, adding that the flight had also had negative effect on the security situation and relations between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region.

“The Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina and police agencies in collaboration with the Croatian Bar Association is undertaking activities aimed at sending the convict to a prison, where he will serve his sentence, process him and punish him for the flight,” the announcement says.  

The Penal and Correctional Facility in Mostar was not able to say anything about the search or the confiscated documents.

Ilijasevic, former member of “Maturice” Special Purposes Unit with the Croatian Defence Council, HVO, was sentenced for having committed crimes against the local population in Vares and Kiseljak municipalities, including murders committed in Stupni Do village.  

On September 24 he failed to return from his prison leave. After having received a confirmation that he was in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina requested the execution of sanctions in accordance with an agreement between the two countries. 

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