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Following a break, Defence attorney Branko Lukic informed the Trial Chamber that Mladics health condition was really bad and that he was not able to continue following the hearing.
According to Lukic, Mladics right arm and leg became numb. Following the break, he was brought back to the courtroom with help from security staff, because he was not able to walk. During the break medical doctors determined that Mladics blood pressure was too low, which was caused by weight loss, said Defence attorney Lukic and presiding judge Alphons Orie.
Judge Orie pointed out that he was surprised by the fact that Mladics weight loss was not mentioned in the last medical report about his health condition, which was submitted by Detention Unit doctors on August 21 this year.
The session was interrupted when Mladic refused, via his Defence attorney, to allow the process to continue in his absence. General Mladic said that he could not carry on and that he would like to hear Donias testimony to its end, but he can no long follow his testimony, Lukic said.
Prior to his arrest in late May 2011 Mladic had suffered three strokes, so the mobility of the right side of his body was reduced.
During his detention in the Tribunals Detention Unit Mladic underwent treatment due to pneumonia and small interventions.
During a discussion about his health condition at the beginning of June this year Mladic thanked the Court and medical staff of the Detention Unit for saving his life and bringing him back from grave.
Mladic, former Commander of the Republika Srpska Army, is charged with genocide in Srebrenica and seven other municipalities, persecution of Bosniaks and Croats throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina, terror against civilians in Sarajevo through long-lasting shelling and sniping and taking UNPROFOR members hostage.
In case Mladics health condition allows for it, Defence attorney Lukic is due to continue cross-examining expert Donia on Monday, August 26.