Local Justice – Doboj: Injuries Caused by Baton

25. January 2013.00:00
As the trial of Miroslav ‘Piko’ Pijunovic, who is charged with crimes against Bosniak and Croat civilians in the Teslic area, continues, court expert Ljubomir Curkic says before the District Court in Doboj that the injury on Jozo Martinovic’s body was caused by a mechanical weapon.

“On the basis of medical documents issued by the Clinical Centre in Banja Luka in July 1992 I can determine that the open fracture of the elbow bone was caused by a non-sharp mechanical weapon – baton or rifle butt. One can say that this was a severe body injury,” Curkic said.

The Defence attorney of the indictee had no objections to the court expert’s findings, while indictee Pijunovic said that he had no objection to the report about Martinovic’s injuries either and that he “did not do it”.

Injured party Martinovic has still not testified at this trial, because the hearings previously scheduled for January 16 and 17 had to be postponed due to the illness of Trial Chamber Chairwoman Hatidza Hodzic.

The District Prosecution of Doboj charges Pijunovic with having participated in the torture, taking away, rape and unlawful detention of civilians in the period from May to July 1992.

According to the charges, Pijunovic was a member of the “Mice – Red Berets” police formation with the armed forces of Republika Srpska.

The trial is due to continue on February 13.