Indictment for War Crimes in Sanski Most

23. February 2012.11:12
The Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina files an indictment against Predrag Prosic for crimes in the Sanski Most area in 1992. Prosic is charged with murder of civilians from Mahala village.

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According to the charges, on May 27, 1992 Prosic, former member of the Sixth Sana Brigade with the Republika Srpska Army, VRS, searched family houses in Mahala and Muhici villages and unlawfully forced children, women and men to leave their houses. Those persons were then detained in “Narodni front” school building and a sports hall.

It is further alleges that, on that same day the indictee and a group of soldiers came to a Bosniak civilian’s house in Mahala village, entered the house and killed eight civilians, including a pregnant woman, from an automatic rifle. He then set the house on fire and left.

The indictment alleges that, on May 27, 1992 Prosic, who was accompanied by other soldiers, took three civilians from their house, took them in the direction of Krkojevci village and killed them from fire arms.

The indictment, which charges Prosic with crimes against humanity, has been filed with the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina for confirmation.

Prosic was arrested in the Prijedor area on November 30, 2011. He has been held in custody since.

Marija Taušan

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