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Local Justice: Sarajevo Crimes Suspect Arrested

20. October 2011.00:00
Acting on a warrant issued by the Sarajevo Cantonal Prosecution, the State Investigation and Protection Agency, SIPA arrested B.R. on suspicion that he committed crimes against the civilian population in the Sarajevo area.

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Jasmina Omicevic, Spokesperson of the Cantonal Prosecution in Sarajevo, said that suspect B.R. was arrested in Eastern Ilidza municipality on October 19 this year.
“The person was handed over to the Cantonal Prosecutor earlier today. As per the Prosecutor’s order, the person will be held for 24 hours in order to be examined about the circumstances related to the crime of which he is suspected. The Cantonal Prosecution will then decide whether to file a custody order motion for the suspect,” Omicevic said.
The Sarajevo Cantonal Prosecution said that they would be able to offer additional information once a decision on the filing of a custody order motion for the suspect had been made.



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