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Memic et al: Accusing Nihad Bojadzic

18. October 2011.00:00
During the trial of six former members of the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina a protected State Prosecution witness says that the attack on Trusina, Konjic municipality in April 1993 could only have been commanded by indictee Nihad Bojadzic.

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On the third day of his testimony witness A, former member of “Zulfikar” Special Purposes Squad, said that he saw indictee Bojadzic, whom he called commander, at military positions on the eve of the attack on Trusina.

“The attack on Trusina village could only have been commanded by Bojadzic,” the protected witness said, responding to questions made by Prosecutor Vesna Budimir.

When asked by the Trial Chamber if he heard Bojadzic giving orders, the protected witness said he did not.

Protected witness A began testifying on October 10, 2011, when he said that he witnessed the shooting of between 10 and 12 Croat prisoners in Trusina. At that hearing he said that the shooting was committed by indictees Mensur Memic, Nedzad Hodzic and two other members of the Squad.

The murder of 18 civilians and four HVO members committed in Trusina village on April 16, 1993 is charged upon Memic, Hodzic, Bojadzic, Dzevad Salcin, Senad Hakalovic and Zulfikar Alispago.

The indictment alleges that Memic, Salcin and Hodzic, former members of the “Zulfikar” Special Purposes Squad with the Headquarters of ABiH Main Command, and Hakalovic, former member of “Neretvica” 45th Mountain Brigade, participated in the attack on Trusina and murder of civilians and prisoners of war.

According to the charges, Bojadzic, the then Deputy Commander of “Zulfikar” Squad, commanded the attack. Indictee Alispago, former Commander of that Squad, is charged with having failed to punish the soldiers, who participated in the shooting.

Protected witness A said that he did not see indictee Alispago “with the unit members in Trusina”. He said that he occasionally saw him on Mount Igman after the attack, but he did not say when.

Second Prosecution witness Sacir Arnautovic, former Assistant Commander for Security with the First Corps of ABiH, said that, in 1993 he did not hear about crimes being committed in Trusina.

Arnautovic said that he knew that “Zulfikar” Special Purposes Squad was subordinate to the Headquarters of ABiH Main Command. When asked by Prosecutor Budimir whether he had to know if the Squad operated within the First Corps, the witness said that he should have been informed about it.

Arnautovic is due to continue testifying on October 21.


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