
Episode 20: History Overshadowed by Trivia II

3. August 2011.00:00
The August issue of TV Justice magazine brings an overview of the most important trials held before the Court of BiH War Crimes Chamber in July.

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How did the regional and international media reported about the first year of the Radovan Karadzic trial? BIRN’s latest publication – History Overshadowed by Trivia II – concludes that neither the media in BiH nor beyond the region showed a great interest in reporting the testimonies form the Radovan Karadzic trial. The publication focused on the substance of reports and journalists comments present in various print media.

The guest of this month’s edition is the Spokeswoman of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, Nerma Jelacic.

In August, TV Justice interviewed people of Pale about their opinion of war crimes trials at the Court of BiH.

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