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Lalovic: No Records of Weapons Assigned to Police

9. June 2011.00:00
Testifying at the trial of Slavko Lalovic, the Commander of the Police Station in Kalinovik says that there are no records of weapons assigned to active and reserve policemen in 1992.

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Radomir Tosovic was invited by the Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina in order to explain which document showed that Lalovic did not have a revolver in 1992, when he worked as reserve policeman with the Police Station in Kalinovik.

The witness said that no such document existed because the records covering that period have been confiscated.

Despite the lack of records, Tosovic issued a document to indictee Lalovic’s Defence. The mentioned document says that he did not have a revolver when he worked as reserve policeman in 1992.

“The documents covering the period from 1992 to 1994 have been confiscated. Therefore, no records on assignment of weapons in that period exist. (…) Members of reserve police forces did not get revolvers. I know this from my long-term experience and practice,” Tosovic said, explaining the document he had submitted to Ziko Krunic, defence attorney of the indictee.

The Defence included the mentioned document in the case file on June 2 this year.

The Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina charges Slavko Lalovic, known as Ustasa, former member of reserve police forces with the Public Safety Station in Kalinovik, with having allowed soldiers to enter the Miladin Radojevic school building, where he worked as a prison guard, and commit violence against unlawfully detained civilians.

The indictment alleges that in late August 1992, Lalovic enabled two members of the Republika Srpska Army, VRS, to enter the school building and rape a female detainee.
As he continued his testimony, Tosovic said that he knew that, as a reserve policeman, Lalovic got a gun, adding that he “was officially not assigned with a police revolver”.

At this hearing State Prosecutor Munib Halilovic read a revised indictment, saying that it had been further defined and it did not differ from the previous version in terms of the facts.

The Defence of the indictee is due to respond to the revised indictment at the next hearing, which is scheduled for June 30 this year.


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