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“I would like to apologise once more. I regret the bad things I did to people and the victims of my misdeeds,” Anic said, addressing the Trial Chamber.
Anic, former member of the “Maturice” Special Purposes Squad with the Croatian Defence Council, HVO, admitted guilt for participation in the murder of civilians in Grahovica and Han-Ploca villages, Kiseljak municipality, in June 1993 and an attack on Stupni Do village, Vares municipality in October 1993, when 38 civilians were killed.
As proposed in the agreement, Anic may be sentenced to 15 years in prison.
Following the acceptance of the guilt admission agreement, Anic thanked the Court and Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina “for their correct behaviour”.
State Prosecutor Slavica Terzic said that she decided to sign the agreement because of “the indictee’s honesty and regrets”, as well as the fact that his admission would help other investigations pertaining to crimes committed in Kiseljak and Vares.
Dusko Tomic, Defence attorney of Anic, said that the Court’s decision to accept the agreement was “a fair one”.
“The fact is that my client has already helped the Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina. For that reason, both of us have received some threats. Therefore, once you have pronounced your verdict, I am asking you not to make a mistake by sending him to the prison in Zenica, where there is a group of people who judge people on their own. I think that this agreement can be seen as an invitation to all suspects to come and surrender to the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina,” Tomic said.
Anic surrendered to the Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina in November last year. He has been held in custody since then.