Nikacevic: Arrest as Precautionary Measure

1. December 2010.10:35
Officers from the State Investigation and Protection Agency arrested Miodrag Nikacevic, who was sentenced under a first instance verdict to eight years in prison for crimes committed in Foca, because the second instance verdict is due to be pronounced “shortly”.

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The Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina says that Nikacevic’s arrest in Foca was “a precautionary measure” undertaken on the eve of pronouncement of the second instance verdict against him.

Nikacevic, a former policeman from Foca, was sentenced under a first instance verdict pronounced in February 2009 for crimes against humanity. Following the delivery of the verdict, he was released to liberty under certain prohibiting measures.

Under the first instance verdict he was sentenced for having raped two women in Foca in April and July 1992 and for participating in the arrest of Rasim Klapuh in August 1992, who was then handed over to military police forces. The verdict says that Klapuh was taken to Foca Penal and Correctional Facility. He has been missing since.

Both the Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Defence appealed the first instance verdict. The Prosecution appealed the sentence, calling on the Court to pronounce a longer imprisonment sentence, while the Defence called for the revocation of the first instance verdict due to a violation of the criminal proceedings provisions and asked the Court to order a retrial.

The indictment against Nikacevic was confirmed in March 2008. He pleaded not guilty to the allegations.

Goran Obradović

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