Koricanske stijene: Escorted by Neighbours

12. October 2009.12:46
Protected witness K8 confirms that indictees Zoran Babic and Ljubisa Cetic "escorted" the convoy of people transported to Koricanske stijene on Mount Vlasic on August 21, 1992. K8, whose testimony was folowed by the public from a separate room, said that Bosniaks and Bosnian Croats from Prijedor gathered on August 21, 1992 at the stadium in Tukovi village.

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The convoy was then due to move to Travnik. The witness saw his former neighbours while he was there.

“There were thousands of people, mostly women and children, at the stadium in Tukovi. I was waiting for transportation, together with my family members. Then I saw my neighbours Zoran Babic and Ljubisa Cetic among the members of the Interventions Squad who escorted the convoy. I have known them my whole life,” the witness confirmed.

The Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina charges Zoran Babic, Milorad Radakovic, Milorad Skrbic, Ljubisa Cetic, Dusan Jankovic and Zeljko Stojnic, former members of the Interventions Squad with the Public Safety Station in Prijedor, with participation in the shooting of about 200 men at Koricanske stijene on August 21, 1992.

The six indictees are charged with having participated in escorting a convoy consisting of more than 1,200, who were going to be exchanged in Travnik. In the vicinity of Koricanske stijene on Mount Vlasic the convoy was stopped. The policemen singled out about 200 men capable of serving in the army, whom they then shot.

K8 said that after some trucks and buses had arrived, the convoy moved towards its destination. The witness said the convoy stopped several times during the trip.

“One of the stops was in Kozarac, where they robbed the passengers. They took away our money, watches and any other valuables we had. On one occasion Babic got on our truck and told us one passenger would be killed unless we gave away our belongings,” the witness said.

At the second stop K8 “got permission” to get off the truck and fetch some water. While doing this he saw members of the Interventions Squad, who were standing there in groups. Ljubisa Cetic was among them.

“People in the convoy were exhausted and dehydrated. Many of them fainted. I remember a woman, who had been in the trailer in front of us, was giving birth to a baby at that moment,” the witness recalled.

During cross-examination Zoran Babic said that K8 was not telling the truth, because he could not remember the colour of the truck in which he had been traveling.

“I shall probably not be able to remember the colour of the truck or the number of vehicles in the convoy, but, sir, I do remember you very well and I shall never forget you,” K8 said, concluding his testimony.

The trial is due to continue on October 13, 2009.

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