The former commander of the Birac brigade of the Bosnian Serb Army told Ratko Mladic's trial that he helped organise the 'removal of Muslims' from eastern Bosnia, but insisted they wanted to go.
Grujo Boric, the former commander of the Second Krajiski Corps of the Bosnian Serb Army, testified at the Ratko Mladic trial. Boric denied any knowledge of crimes committed against Bosniaks and Croats in his zone of responsibility in Kljuc in 1992.
Testifying at the trial of five former Bosnian Serb Army soldiers, a protected witness said that after the war, one of the defendants tried to discourage him from returning to his village.
A defense witness testifying at the trial of Ostoja Stanisic and Marko Milosevic said that in July 1995 he knew nothing about Srebrenica captives being detained in a school building in Petkovci.
A protected prosecution witness known as SG-1 testified at the Goran Saric trial. At todays hearing, the court prohibited any media coverage of SG-1s testimony.
Testifying at the trial of five defendants accused of participating in the Srebrenica genocide, a witness said he was beaten up in Jusici, in the municipality of Zvornik, by Bosnian Serb forces in September or October 1996.
The Bosnian state prosecution opened the evidence hearing at the trial of five former members of Bosnian Serb police and security forces, whove been accused of participating in the Srebrenica genocide. At the hearing, the state prosecution screened footage related to the events that took place before, during, and after the genocide.
Testifying in defense of Ratko Mladic, former Bosnian Serb official Nebojsa Jeremic said he knew nothing about the mass killing of Bosniaks following the fall of Srebrenica in the summer of 1995. But after responding to questions from the prosecution, he confirmed having heard about the killings.