Person: Terzic Albina


11. April 2012.
Testifying at the trial of Albina Terzic, who is charged with crimes in Odzak area, a Defence witness says that he drove the indictee by car from Kutjevo to Pozega in the Republic of Croatia in June 1992. Tomislav Mandic, who testified in defence of the indictee, told the Court that, as he was on his way back from Kutjevo a couple of days prior to his wedding, he picked up his friend Marija Mihalj, who asked him to drive her and Albina Terzic to Pozega.

1. December 2011.
At the trial for crimes in Odzak, a witness for the Prosecutor's Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina said that “orgies, fascist salutes and beating” were commonplace at the detention camp in that town, adding that indictee Albina Terzic, called Nina, beat the detainees.