Uncategorized @bsRadic et al: Protected Witness X19. February 2008.The trial continues without the presence of the public in order to protect the identity of a protected Prosecution witness.CONTINUE READING
Uncategorized @bsRadic et al: Staying Alive8. January 2008.Two prosecution witnesses claim that two indictees took part in the murder and beating of Bosniaks in Vojno detention camp.CONTINUE READING
Uncategorized @bsRadic et al: Tattoo from the Prison10. December 2007.Two Prosecution witness recall the maltreatment and beating they suffered in Vojno detention camp.CONTINUE READING
Uncategorized @bsRadic et al: Code of Conduct in Vojno19. November 2007.A Prosecution witness, who spent more than six months in various detention camps in Herzegovina, recalls his time in Vojno camp.CONTINUE READING
Uncategorized @bsRadic et al: From One Detention Camp to Another7. November 2007.Two Prosecution witnesses have described how detainees were transferred from one detention camp to another.CONTINUE READING
Uncategorized @bsRadic et al: Days of Horror in Vojno6. September 2007.Prosecution witness recalls an attempted rape that she suffered while detained in Vojno detention camp.CONTINUE READING
Uncategorized @bsRadic et al: Trial Goes on Behind Closed Doors6. July 2007.Examination of protected witnesses continues with exclusion of the public.CONTINUE READING
Uncategorized @bsRadic et al: Trial begins26. April 2007.The process against four men charged with war crimes committed in Mostar started today before the Court of BiH in Sarajevo.CONTINUE READING