The most influential pro-Russian Telegram channels have been publishing a series of inflammatory articles about an arrest warrant for Republika Srpska President Milorad Dodik, apparently intended to stir up public...
The UN war crimes court in The Hague has rejected a request for early release from former Bosnian Croat political chief Jadranko Prlic, citing his “heinous” crimes and “insufficient” rehabilitation.
With 150,000 people listed as missing from Syria’s brutal civil conflict, the new authorities are looking to learn from the International Committee on Missing Persons’ success in locating mass graves...
In this programme, we talk to parents who have been searching for three decades for their children who went missing in the war - about their traumas and memories, but...
For over three decades, villagers in Grapska near Doboj have been searching for the remains of more than 30 people who were killed during the 1990s war, including two minors...
Dozens of children in Bosnia and Herzegovina have sustained injuries while filming TikTok challenges in recent weeks, but their parents hesitate to talk publicly about their concerns, fearing they will...
The Bosnian state prosecution charged seven former Croatian Defence Council military policemen and civilian police officers with unlawfully detaining and assaulting dozens of Bosniaks in the Zepce area in 1993...
Five former military policemen from the Bosnian Serb Army’s Zvornik and Bratunac Brigade were charged with genocide over the executions of hundreds of Bosniaks in Zvornik municipality in July 1995.
In the first episode of Detektor TV, after we changed the name of our long-running show TV Justice, we bring a slightly different story - a story about us, the...