As the trial for crimes in the Konjic area continues, State Prosecution witnesses identify indictee Ibro Macic as a guard, who hit them in Musala detention camp in 1993.
A witness told the trial of former Bosnian Army soldier Ibro Macic that he and other prisoners were sexually abused and their genitals burned while detained at the Musala sports centre in Konjic.
Testifying at the trial for crimes in Konjic, a protected State Prosecution witness says that indictee Ibro Macic was one of the three guards who forced him to have sexual intercourse with other detainees in the Musala hall.
The Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina calls on the State Court to sentence Osman Brkan for the murder of four old women in Blace village, Konjic municipality, while the Defence says that a verdict of release would be the only fair decision.
As the trial for crimes in the Konjic area continues, indictees Osman Brkan and Ibro Macic testify in their defence. During their testimony they say that they did not shoot at old women in Blace village.
Testifying at the trial for crimes in the Konjic area, Prosecution witnesses say that they were beaten up by indictee Ibro Macic in the Musala detention camp.
During the continuation of the trial for crimes in Blace, Konjic municipality, State Prosecution witnesses say that their parents told them that immobile old ladies were killed in that village.
At the trial for the crime committed in Blace, the witness for the prosecution said that a woman named Jasminka issued an order that the bodies of murdered old women be set on fire.
At the trial for the crime committed in the village of Blace near Konjic, witnesses for the state Prosecution said they saw several bodies of killed Serb civilians.
As the trial for crimes in Blace village, near Konjic, continues, State Prosecution witnesses say that they saw human corpses, dead cattle and a burnt village.