A witness at the trial for one of the first war crimes of the Bosnian conflict in March 1992 said her father was among Serbs killed in an attack on a village in the Bosanski Brod municipality.
A statement given by Niko Tomas was read at the trial for crimes in Sijekovac, near Brod. In his statement he said that he saw indictee Zemir Kovacevic in the village on the day when the murders were committed.
At the trial of Zemir Kovacevic, who is charged with crimes committed in Bosanski Brod, the State prosecutor read out the statements of two now deceased witnesses who talked about the attack on the village of Sijekovac.
A witness for the Prosecution at the trial of Zemir Kovacevic said that on March 28, 1992, he learnt from Biljana Plavsic that there was an incident in Sijekovac (municipality of Bosanski Brod) in which several people were killed.
A witness for the Prosecution at the trial of Zemir Kovacevic said that on March 28, 1992, he learnt from Biljana Plavsic that there was an incident in Sijekovac (municipality of Bosanski Brod) in which several people were killed.
As the trial of Zemir Kovacevic continues, the Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina presents as evidence the statements given by seven witnesses, who have since died, about crimes committed in the Sijekovac area, Brod municipality in the period from March to September 1992.
The continuation of the trial of Zemir Kovacevic, who is charged with murders and other crimes in the Bosanski Brod area, has been postponed after the Trial Chamber found out that a State Prosecution witness was granted protection measures by The Hague Tribunal.
A witness at the trial for one of the first war crimes of the Bosnian conflict said he saw defendant Zemir Kovacevic kill his neighbours in Bosanski Brod in 1992, when he was ten years old.
Testifying at the trial of Zemir Kovacevic, who is charged with crimes in Sijekovac, a protected prosecution witness recalls an attack on the village in March 1992, when several people were killed.
Testifying at the trial of Zemir Kovacevic, a State Prosecution witness recalls having heard gunshots and seeing Serb houses in Sijekovac burning in late March 1992.