State Court says it will pay for only one defence lawyer per war-crimes case in future. Attorneys say the move will inevitably affect the quality of the service they can offer.
Testifying at the trial for crimes committed in Cajnice, a Prosecution witness says he heard about the murder of Bosniaks who were held in the hunters' house in Mostina.
The trial of Ratko Dronjak and Draga Rodic for crimes committed in detention centers in Drvar began with the reading of the indictment and the presentation of introductory arguments by the State Prosecution and Defence teams.
The Defence of Dragan Rodic, who is charged with crimes committed in Drvar, submitted a guilt admission agreement proposal to the Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Four separate prosecution witnesses in the trial of Marko Samardzija have been unable to match their testimonies with statements given before their arrival in court.