Former Security Minister Selmo Cikotic, who was a Bosnian Army officer during the war, was charged with failing to prevent the torture and murders of Croat military prisoners in Bugojno...
In a series of indictments announced over the New Year period, 15 suspects were charged with various wartime crimes including attacks on villages that left dozens of Bosniaks and Croats...
The 11 suspects were charged with committing crimes against humanity in 1992 for their involvement in the unlawful detention and inhumane treatment of around 700 Bosniak men and boys, some...
The Balkan Investigative Reporting Network of Bosnia and Herzegovina presented a multimedia research into Serbia’s role in the Bosnian war through international tribunal verdicts – with reference to the verdict...
Out of 39 media outlets covered by the Media Ownership Monitor Database, nearly 40 per cent of the most prominent media outlets in Bosnia and Herzegovina do not offer full...
Haris Rovcanin won this year’s regional award in the ‘Contribution to the Community’ category for his work on the Database of Judicially Established Facts about the War in Bosnia.
Seven former Bosnian Serb Army officers and soldiers were charged with the capture and killing of 65 Bosniaks in the Sekovici and Vlasenica areas in July 1995 as the victims...
Evropska unija je zabrinuta zbog činjenice da je u Narodnoj skupštini Republike Srpske usvojen Nacrt zakona o posebnom registru nevladinih organizacija, izjavio je danas u Banjaluci šef Delegacije EU u...
Bosnia’s state court upheld a verdict acquitting the wartime commander of the Bosnian Army’s Fourth Corps, Ramiz Drekovic, of ordering artillery attacks on civilian targets in the town of Kalinovik...