The Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina has requested from the State Court to remand in custody Edin Dzeko, under suspicion of committing crimes in the territory of the municipality of Konjic.
During the trial of six former members of the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina a protected State Prosecution witness says that the attack on Trusina, Konjic municipality in April 1993 could only have been commanded by indictee Nihad Bojadzic.
The defence of Zijad Kurtovic insists he was nowhere near the church where Bosnian Croat prisoners were allegedly beaten and two men forced to have sex with each other.
The Bosnian court has ruled that Nikola Andrun, the former deputy warden of the Gabela detention camp, be jailed for 13 years for crimes against civilians.
Former members of HVO, who have appeared as defence witnesses, described Gabela as a civilian camp where inmates had plenty of food and were free on the weekends.