Lawyers for former Serb fighters accused of involvement in killing and burning Bosniak civilians at a village mosque near Prijedor in 1992 said their guilt had not been proved.
The Bosnian prosecution demanded the convictions of three former Serb fighters accused of involvement in the killing and burning of Bosniak civilians at a village mosque near Prijedor in 1992.
The final witness at the trial of three Bosnian Serb ex-fighters accused of war crimes said one defendant told him that he was not involved in the killings in a village near Prijedor.
Testifying in their defence, Velemir Djuric and Zoran Babic, who are charged with crimes in Prijedor, say that they were not present in Carakovo village where men were shot in front of a local mosque in July 1992.
Testifying at the trial for crimes in the Prijedor area, Defence witnesses say that members of the Interventions Squad performed guarding tasks in the vicinity of Carakovo village.
Testifying in defence of indictee Zoran Babic at the trial for crimes in the Prijedor area, witnesses say that, as per an order, they were deployed to positions in the vicinity of Carakovo and Ljubija.
As the trial for crimes in Prijedor continues, Velemir Djurics Defence witness says that the indictee, he and other colleagues could leave an observation post in Benkovac, which was about 20 kilometres away from Prijedor, towards the end of July 1992.
As the trial for crimes in Prijedor continues, a Defence witness says that Velemir Djuric was at an observation post, which was 20 kilometres away from Carakovo village, where crimes were committed, during the whole month of July 1992.
Testifying in his defence about crimes in Prijedor, indictee Dragomir Soldat says that, on the day when crimes were committed in Carakovo village he drove his cousin to a bus station, as she was supposed to travel to Belgrade, adding that nothing unusual happened in the village the following day.