International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY)


15. June 2016.
At Ratko Mladic's trial, prosecutors parried defence witness Andrei Demurenko's claim that the Bosnian Serb Army could not have fired the projectile that killed dozens at the Markale market in 1995. Defence Witness Russian colonel Demurenko, who was chief of UNPROFOR’s Headquarters in Sarajevo sector at that time, said the Bosnian Serb army, the VRS, could not have fired the projectile that killed dozens of people at the Markale market in the summer of 1995.


19. April 2016.
Na suđenju Ratku Mladiću, vještak Odbrane za sudsku medicinu Zoran Stanković zatražio je da se uradi novo vještačenje o tijelima iz masovne grobnice Tomašica kod Prijedora, zbog određenih neslaganja koje je uočio u nalazima patologa Haškog tužilaštva.