City: Petkovci

26. March 2014.
Michael MacQueen, an expert for conflicts in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia between 1991 and 1995, on order from the Prosecution made a report on the events that occurred in the municipality of Zvornik, and focused on the question of whether members of the Sixth Battalion knew that prisoners brought to Petkovic would not be heading to exchange.

12. March 2014.
At the trial for Srebrenica genocide the Prosecution plays a recording of a protected witness’ examination during the investigation with the intention to demonstrate that his statement was much more precise than his testimony at a hearing held on March 5.

26. February 2014.
Testifying at the trial for genocide in Srebrenica, a protected State Prosecution witness says that he dag a hole, in which corpses were buried, on a dam near Petkovci, Zvornik municipality, in mid July 1995.