City: Glogova

20. August 2013.
As the trial for crimes in the Bratunac area continues, the Defence of indictee Najdan Mladjenovic says that State Prosecution witnesses’ statements given during the investigation were different from what they said at the trial.

15. July 2013.
Richard Wright, an expert in forensics, says at Ratko Mladic's trial at The Hague, that, during an exhumation of 21 mass graves linked to the fall of Srebrenica he found nothing that would indicate that those killed in battles were buried in them.

10. July 2013.
Testifying at Ratko Mladic’s trial, former Hague Prosecution investigator Dean Manning denies the possibility that people, who were killed in combat, were buried in mass graves associated with the fall of Srebrenica in July 1995

9. July 2013.
Testifying at the trial for crimes in Bratunac, the first Defence witness says that members of the Territorial Defence from Bratunac, whose commander was indictee Najdan Mladjenovic, did not participate in the disarming of the Muslim population.