Saturday, 1 February 2025.
Zemir Kovacevic Pleads not Guilty
Zemir Kovacevic appears before the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina and pleads not guilty to the charges that he committed crimes against the civilian population in the Bosanski Brod area...
Krsmanovic: Superficial Information about Family Members’ Fate
Testifying at the trial of Oliver Krsmanovic for crimes in Visegrad, State Prosecution witnesses describe how they found out about the disappearance of their family members.
Basic and Sijak: Guards as Good as Gold
Testifying before the State Court at the trial for crimes in Vares, a State Prosecution witness says that a policeman, who was detained with him in the “Autotrans” and “Sumarstvo”...
Memic et al: Civilians Crying
Testifying at the trial of six former members of the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina, ABiH, a State Prosecution witness recalls a shooting in Trusina village, near Konjic in April...
Klickovic et al: First instance verdict quashed
The Appellate Chamber of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina quashed the first instance verdict which acquitted Gojko Klickovic and Mladen Drljaca of all charges for crimes in Bosanska Krupa,...
Dronjak: Prosecution Asks for 30 Years in Prison
In its closing argument the prosecution claims that Ratko Dronjak, as warden of detention camps in “Slavko Rodic” school and Kamenica, tortured, beat and forced the prisoners to carry out...
Vlahovic: Beaten as if in a Boxing Ring
At the trial of Veselin Vlahovic, known as Batko, a prosecution witness said that the defendant tortured him and that he has yet to recover from the brutality of the...
Krsmanovic: Burnt in Meho Aljic’s House
Testifying at the trial of Oliver Krsmanovic, who is charged with crimes in Visegrad, a State Prosecution witness says that all women, children and the elderly, who were present in...
Ivanović: Za zločin u Srebrenici 13 godina
Sud BiH osudio je Željka Ivanovića na 13 godina zatvora za zločin protiv čovječnosti počinjen u Srebrenici u julu 1995. Sudsko vijeće je zaključilo da je Ivanović kriv što je...