Witnesses in the first genocide trial conducted in Bosnia and Herzegovina describe what happened in Kravica on July 13, when about 1,000 Bosniaks were shot dead.
Prosecution considering altering indictment, which was last updated and consolidated eight years ago.
The man who believed he was more a myth than reality is about to be humbled by a very human court.
The High Representative has ordered the return of travel documents to persons associated with Hague Tribunal indictee Stojan Zupljanin's support network.
Guilt admission agreements concluded with war-crimes indictees are a source of controversy formany people in Bosnia and Herzegovina, including legal experts who believe the practice often does not help determine...
Witnesses in the trial of Ivica Geza Vrdoljak said they were routinely beaten in two HVO-run camps in northern Bosnia in 1992.
The defence for the four men indicted over the Omarska and Keraterm camps in north-west Bosnia has denied they took part in the crimes committed there in 1992.
The defence of Zijad Kurtovic insists he was nowhere near the church where Bosnian Croat prisoners were allegedly beaten and two men forced to have sex with each other.
Years after several hundred mosques were blown up, the Islamic Community is suing the Republika Srpska for damages in a landmark case.