Novak Djukic, convicted of ordering Bosnian Serb artillery to shell the town of Tuzla in 1995, leaving 71 people dead, had his prison sentence reduced from 25 to 20 years.
Former special policeman Zeljko Ivanovic, who guarded a warehouse where Bosniaks were massacred, was given the maximum sentence of 20 years for assisting the Srebrenica genocide.
Former special policeman Zeljko Ivanovic, who guarded a warehouse where Bosniaks were massacred, was given the maximum sentence of 20 years for assisting the Srebrenica genocide. - See more at: special policeman Zeljko Ivanovic, who guarded a warehouse where Bosniaks were massacred, was given the maximum sentence of 20 years for assisting the Srebrenica genocide. - See more at: special policeman Zeljko Ivanovic, who guarded a warehouse where Bosniaks were massacred, was given the maximum sentence of 20 years for assisting the Srebrenica genocide. - See more at:
Veselin Vlahovic, who waged a campaign of murder, rape and robbery against Bosniaks and Croats in Sarajevo in 1992, had his prison sentence reduced from 45 to 42 years.
Ex-soldier Fadil Dajic and ex-policeman Vahid Hadrovic were sentenced to ten years in prison each for killing a Serb civilian in the village of Plandiste near Kakanj in 1993.
Prvi svjedok Tužilaštva BiH na suđenju za zločine počinjene u Bileći izjavio je da ga je optuženi Miroslav Duka u drugoj polovini 1992. godine zlostavljao u Stanici javne bezbjednosti (SJB).
Former military policeman Zeljko Stanarevic was arrested on suspicion of having participating in the killings of Bosniak civilians in the north-western Bihac municipality.
Defence lawyers for Nihad Bojadzic, former deputy commander of the Bosnian Army’s Zulfikar Squad, accused of a deadly attack on the village of Trusina, claimed the judges were biased.
U 236. emisiji donosimo sedmični pregled sudjenja za ratne zlocine pred Sudom BiH i Tribunalom u Haagu, dok u rubrici Fokus govorimo o Globalnom samitu u London, gdje su predstavnici 123 zemlje svijeta pozvani da poduzmu konkretne korake kojima će spriječiti seksualno nasilje u ratu i kazniti počinioce.
Five former Bosnian Serb policemen were given reduced sentences of 20 years each for aiding genocide in Srebrenica following a retrial after their previous convictions were annulled.