
19. June 2014.
Former special policeman Zeljko Ivanovic, who guarded a warehouse where Bosniaks were massacred, was given the maximum sentence of 20 years for assisting the Srebrenica genocide. Former special policeman Zeljko Ivanovic, who guarded a warehouse where Bosniaks were massacred, was given the maximum sentence of 20 years for assisting the Srebrenica genocide. - See more at: special policeman Zeljko Ivanovic, who guarded a warehouse where Bosniaks were massacred, was given the maximum sentence of 20 years for assisting the Srebrenica genocide. - See more at: special policeman Zeljko Ivanovic, who guarded a warehouse where Bosniaks were massacred, was given the maximum sentence of 20 years for assisting the Srebrenica genocide. - See more at:

13. June 2014.
U 236. emisiji donosimo sedmični pregled sudjenja za ratne zlocine pred Sudom BiH i Tribunalom u Haagu, dok u rubrici Fokus govorimo o Globalnom samitu u London, gdje su predstavnici 123 zemlje svijeta pozvani da poduzmu konkretne korake kojima će spriječiti seksualno nasilje u ratu i kazniti počinioce.