Former Bosnian Croat fighter Zoran Marinic testified that his fellow war crimes defendant Zoran Milic opened fire with his Kalashnikov at two houses in Busovaca, where four members of one family were murdered in 1993.
U ovom izdanju poslušajte izvještaje sa suđenja u predmetima: Nisvet Gasal i drugi, Branko Vlačo, te Najdan Mlađenović i drugi. U rubrici Fokus govorimo tome kako je Izrael u postupku izručenja Aleksandra Cvetkovića uslovljavao Bosnu i Hercegovinu primjenom zakona koji je preuzet iz bivše Jugoslavije, ali je, iako je dobio garancije od Ministarstva pravde BiH, na kraju odustao.
Aleksandar Cvetkovic, who was recently extradited to Bosnia from Israel, pleaded not guilty to charges of participating in genocide against civilians who fled from Srebrenica in 1995.
Testifying at the trial for crimes in Jablanica, a protected State Prosecution witness says that Nihad Bojadzic used to come to “The Battle of Neretva” Museum because of undisciplined members of “Zulfikar” Squad of the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina, ABiH.
At the trial for wartime crimes at Bosnian Serb detention camps in Vogosca near Sarajevo, a witness said defendant Branko Vlaco chose prisoners to do hard labour on the frontline
The presentation of evidence at the trial of Zoran Dragicevic, who is charged with crimes in Sarajevo, has been completed with introduction of Defence’s material evidence. Closing statements are due to be presented on October 23.
As the trial for crimes in Visegrad continues, Defence witnesses say that indictee Ljubomir Tasic did not organise convoys for resettlement of the local population.
At the trial of Bosnian Serb fighters for murders in the village of Carakovo near Prijedor in 1992, witnesses testified that one defendant was a professional policeman who wasn’t involved in any fighting
Bosnia’s appeals court upheld the verdict sentencing former Bosnian Serb policeman Sasa Zecevic to 23 years in jail for the murder of around 200 civilians at Koricanske Stijene in 1992.
Potresno svjedočenje žene koja je u ljeto i jesen 1992. bila žrtva seksualnog nasilja u rukama srpskih vojnika i policajaca u Foči, obilježilo je proteklu sedmicu na suđenju tadašnjem komandantu Vojske Republike Srpske Ratku Mladiću u Haagu.