
19. November 2013.
The trial of Goran Saric, who is charged with genocide in Srebrenica in July 1995, begins with reading of the indictment and presentation of introductory statements by the Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Defence. The trial of Goran Saric, who is charged with genocide in Srebrenica in July 1995, begins with reading of the indictment and presentation of introductory statements by the Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Defence. - See more at:

8. November 2013.
U odbranu Radovana Karadžića, minule sedmice, u Haagu su svjedočili njegov najbliži saradnik Momčilo Krajišnik i potpukovnik Vojske Republike Srpske, Vujadin Popović. U nastavku suđenja Ratku Mladiću, ekspert Haškog tužilaštva za minobacače Richard Higgs potvrdio je nalaze istraga o eksplozijama u Sarajevu 1994. i 1995. godine, po kojim su granate koje su usmrtile i ranile stotine civila bile ispaljene sa srpske strane.